We are designed to react to threats, real or perceived. If a threat is perceived, energy is directed away from normal functioning in the body. The sympathetic nervous system (which branches from the central nervous system) is triggered into a 'fight or flight' response. This is all well and good if you have a large toothed mammal coming up the rear and you need to defend yourself (or even better make a hasty exit) as it is essential for survival. But experiencing physiological changes of this kind on a day to day basis is not good for your health. Stress is the body’s reaction to our current, modern day threats which can be attributed to a whole range of factors including work or overwork, family life, grief and financial worries.The difference is that instead of the body experiencing a once off momentary change, it experiences the same changes over a prolonged period of time producing the same physiological effects. Essentially energy is being directed away from ess...