Acupuncture for Neck & Back Pain Relief Chronic pain in the muscles and joints can make life miserable. Standard anti-inflammatory treatments, physical therapy, and appropriate exercises can often ease pain but when they don't acupuncture is worth considering. Over the years there has been substantial debate about whether acupuncture really works for chronic pain. A Recent Study in the Archive of Internal Medicine says Yes it does with results from a study of nearly 18,000 participants saying that acupuncture relieved their pain by 50%. Acupuncture treats muscle pain in a variety of ways, the most direct being that when a disposable painless hair-thin needle is inserted into the skin, the body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are the body's natural painkillers and they help you feel relaxed, alert and mobile. Releasing endorphins do more than just mask the pain. The stress relief from the endorphins, helps to relax the entire body, so tha...