Sinus Relief with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

As the weather gets damper sinus sufferers can feel the all too familiar symptoms of facial pain, breathing difficulties, head pressure, stuffy noses and foggy thinking. If this is you don’t despair – sinus and sinusitis can be naturally treated with acupuncture, acupressure and Chinese herbs. Acupuncture uses small painless disposable needles to stimulate points on the temples, nose and forehead, which cause the sinuses to drain naturally alleviating the pain associated with the blockage. Acupressure is also used to stimulate the trapped mucus to move. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, sinus is caused by a number of imbalances in the body and the task of your Chinese Medicine practitioner is to discover the source of the imbalance and then create an individualised tailor made plan to the illness. For some sinus can be triggered by an attack of the wind. For example the Chinese say ‘catch the wind’ in the same way we say ‘catch a cold’ and catching ...