Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture - Surgery Free Beauty Treatment

WHAT IS FACIAL REVITALISATION ACUPUNCTURE? Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture is a painless, non-surgical therapy used to help you look fresher and delay the signs of aging. The treatment has in recent years attracted media attention with the Irish Times newspaper acclaiming that Acupuncture ‘is a viable alternative to cosmetic surgery and the effects can run much deeper than simply improving appearance. HOW DOES FACIAL REVITALISATION ACUPUNCTURE WORK? Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture works by inserting small painless disposable needles into the face to stimulate the flow of Qi (Energy) and encourage blood flow to the skin, to improve the improving complexion and strengthen muscle tone. This treatment also brings nutrients to the skin and flushes out stubborn toxins. Needles may also be inserted at specific points on the body so Qi can be accessed to flow more smoothly. Each Facial is tailored to the individual and you will be asked about your medical history and other...