Tongue Diagnosis in Care Cure Acupuncture Clinics

When visiting our clinic for a consultation, you will be asked to stick out your tongue so our practitioner can diagnose your condition. This can seem like a very strange request, and you’re usually left to wonder what they saw there. This article helps clarify what your practitioner sees on your tongue by clearly explaining the basics of tongue analysis, and will also show you how you can use that information to make dietary choices to benefit your overall well-being. Basically, your tongue is a reflection of what’s happening inside your body. Natural medicine tries to find balance in your whole body. Along with your pulse and symptom presentation, your tongue is an easily accessible way to find out what your inner landscape looks like, and can help you know what will bring you further into, or out of balance. WHAT TO LOOK FOR Shape Is your tongue thin and pointy, or is it more thick and flabby with tooth-marks around the edges? Is it quivery? Is some of i...