Eliminate Fibroids The Natural Way with Care Cure Acupuncture
The section below explains how the condition of the liver channel is connected with uterine fibroids. Your liver regulates the blood in your body – in other words we say in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory that the liver has been given the function of storing blood in the body, regulating blood flow and preventing blood overflow. I. Storage of Blood Blood from the liver glorifies and nourishes the body’s meridians (channels which flow through the body) and it also nourishes your fingers/toes nails and eyes. If blood stored in your liver failed to nourish the meridians, it would result in symptoms including numbness, pins and needles, tendon twitch, muscle spasms, and convulse of limbs. Similarly if the eyes do not receive proper nourishment from the liver blood, patients will experience dry, sore eyes or even blurred vision. If your nails do not get enough blood supply, they will be...
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