Combat Vertigo with Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Vertigo is
a disruptive condition, which causes stress in a patient’s life. In vertigo the
patient experiences spinning, loss of balance and occasionally nausea. It can
manifest in a sleeping or sitting posture, or only show when the patient stands
up or walks around.
to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), vertigo is caused by low blood pressure,
dampness in the body, deficiency or blockage of vital Qi energy and stagnation
of blood. The organs affected by this condition are the spleen, the kidneys and
the liver.
coupled with Chinese herbs can be an effective cure for vertigo. In Care Cure
Acupuncture clinics we first conduct a FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION to
assess the reason behind your vertigo.
For example
the questions we ask first are is it a heavy dizziness, have you mucus or
phlegm, is it hard to walk, is your energy low and can you sleep at night. We
also do a tongue and pulse diagnosis to figure out what is going on inside the
Once we
ascertain the reason behind your symptoms, our practitioners will use
acupuncture points that immediately take effect and relieve symptoms in a short
space of time. Once the dizziness has subsided we will concentrate on restoring
the system to health.
Clinics are located in Dun Laoghaire, Wicklow Town, Longford Galway City, Loughrea and Tuam. See for further details.
Useful information! Acupuncture is a unique and effective solution for many health problems. Here is one more source which provides more information about acupuncture.Baguio Acupuncture
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog!!! Thanks for your efforts for writing this blog and sharing the informative info. Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese practice of inserting needles in specific points on the body to manipulate the flow of energy.
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