Treat Pain/Injury with Care Cure Acupuncture
Acupuncture and
Chinese Massage is an effective treatment for dealing with chronic pain, muscle
pain, sports injuries and general body wear and tear. Recent studies have shown
that acupuncture causes the body to produce natural steroids and promotes the
production of natural endorphins. Steroids decrease inflammation, while
endorphins act to block pain messages allowing the brain to focus on the more
important task of healing. Herbs can also be used to reduce inflammation as
well as strengthening the body
Traditional Chinese
Medicine can help ease a wide range of pain conditions such as:
- Joint and Soft Tissue Repair
- Neck and Shoulder injuries
- Sciatica
- Knee and Foot Injuries
- Headaches
- Tendonitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Muscle Relief,
- Back Pain
- Poor Circulation
- Frozen Shoulder
So why suffer one day
more? Please call 086-2159282 to avail of our Free Consultation which is offered in each of our 5 clinics in Galway City,
Loughrea, Tuam, Dun Laoghaire and Longford. In this consultation our trained
Chinese Medicine Practitioner will discuss the reasons for you pain and draw up
a tailor-made treatment plan to suit your individual needs.
Care Cure Specialises
in Acupuncture, Chinese Massage, Acupressure, Reflexology, Cupping,
Moxibustion, Allergy Testing, Ear Candles and Herbal Medicine. Visit our
website for more
Acupuncture is helpful to treat chronic and muscle pain. Acupuncture includes Joint pain treatment, muscle pain treatment and Back Pain Remedies.
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