Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Care Cure Acupuncture
Chinese Medicine has been very effective in alleviating pain caused by sports
injuries among others and seeks always to root cause the source of such pain.
One such injury treated by Chinese Medicine is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
which is an injury associated with the peripheral nerve tissues and their
To explain Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a nerve entrapment which manifests itself as pain,
numbness or weakness in the forearm, wrist or hand. Some people with this
condition can experience difficulty in discerning hot from cold sensations
while others experience it as a deterioration of local tendons, muscles,
ligaments, and sinew. It can come on from an injury to the nerves or as a side
effect of pregnancy and can be felt as debilitating and cause a reduction in
quality of life.
combination of Acupuncture and Moxibustion which is the treatment recommended
by Traditional Chinese Acupuncture can alleviate the pain and heal the damaged
tissues of people suffering from this disease.
For example
the findings of a study published in the Journal
of Clinical and Experimental Research deduced that Moxibustion combined
with Acupuncture was effective in healing the median nerve transection areas of
the median nerve and it can also significantly improve thumb-to-wrist sensory
conduction velocity.
Within the
study Acupuncture was applied to patients relaxing in a seated position with
the elbow slightly bent. Their palms rested on the treatment table in a face up
position. First, acupoints on the yang meridians were applied followed by
acupoints on the yin meridians. Mild reinforcing and reducing manual
acupuncture techniques were applied until the arrival of deqi. The needles were
stimulated with manual acupuncture techniques every ten minutes during the
thirty minute treatment sessions. Acupuncture was applied once per day, five
days per week, for two weeks. This process was repeated two times for a total
of thirty acupuncture treatment sessions over a six week period of time.
Moxibustion was also applied by lighting a smokeless moxa cigar and
placing it into a moxibustion box. The box was then used to heat the acupoints
for thirty minutes in a hovering motion. The researchers examined the clinical
data and determined that the improvement proved that acupuncture plus
moxibustion is effective for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
In Care Cure Acupuncture clinics we have many patients over the years
who have come to us with this condition and almost all say they have found a
significant improvement after the treatment. We offer a Free No Obligation
Consultation in which our doctor will determine if we can help you or not and
will create a plan tailored to suit your individual needs. To find out more
please click our contact us form or call us on 086-2159282 for further details.
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