Stop Smoking With Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Smoking not only costs money, it is anti-social and affects all organs of the body. Studies show that a smoker is easily prone to contracting a sore throat, skin rash, chest infection, etc. When pregnant smoking has been known to harm the fetus and medical research shows a higher risk of the baby being born premature or underweight.

Everyday 300 people die as direct results of smoking-the equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing 24 hours. As an average smoker the habit may cost you over 800 pounds a year, but nowadays more and more smokers know that they are harming themselves and that they should quip but the habit feels almost impossible to break.

Even for those who are determined to stop smoking, willpower alone may not be enough. All over the world people have tried different ways of giving up cigarettes - nicotine patches, hypnosis, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t.

In China Acupuncture has been a tried and tested, proven way of healing addiction. It is an ancient system of medicine which restores balance and maintains health by the insertion of fine disposable painless needles into specific points on the surface of the body.

It can be used to treat many conditions including addictions, such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc. Over the past 10 years we have treated many tobacco addicted patients whose smoking history varied from 2 – 40 years in our Care Cure Acupuncture clinics in Galway, Loughrea, Tuam, Longford and Dun Laoghaire. Among these patients a considerable amount stopped smoking after a course of 3-6 treatments. The amount of treatments they received depended on their cravings for nicotine and this depended on their lifestyle and how stressed they were. In China there is a 90% success rate for addiction therapy.

Acupuncture can rebalance the vital Qi energy which flows continuously through an energetic network of meridians that not only connects the acupuncture points to each other but also directly influences the functioning of the internal organs and other controlling systems of the body.

There are 14 channels and 361 points in total on the body and each point has a different function in the treatment of different problems. For Acupuncture used to treat nicotine addictions 6-7 points which connect to the lung meridians are usually chosen and this acts as a block for the addiction. Some people report decreased enjoyment of cigarettes after the treatment and even a sour and different taste in their mouth when they smoke. They also report a decreased desire to smoke. In our Care Cure clinics we also offer a Free No Obligation Consultation after which you can decide whether or not to go ahead with treatment. We also provide small beads which we can put on certain acupoints on the ear and these can control cravings by pressing them into your ear whenever you feel the desire to smoke.

Acupuncture is a relaxing healthy way to stop smoking – a path which aligns with the natural intelligence of your individual body system. And it works without side effects.

Call us on 091-539996 / 0862159282 to book your Free Consultation. Clinics are located in Dun Laoghaire, Galway City, Loughrea, Tuam and Longford. Staffed by highly Degree Qualified Chinese Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Treatments offered include; Acupuncture, Acupressure (Chinese Massage), Cupping, Reflexology, Moxibustion, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Allergy Testing.

Care Cure Clinics Ireland has five branches across Ireland: Galway, Dun Laoghaire, Tuam, Loughrea, Longford. Contact us right now on 086-2159282 or through the online chatting service to get an instant appointment!


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