Eliminate Reoccuring Cold and Flu Infections with Care Cure Acupuncture

Winter is here – and with it stuffy colds, coughs, chest infections, sore throats and energy draining flues. Good news is that by treating yourself to Acupuncture Treatments and healthy doses of Chinese Herbal Medicines you can prevent or eliminate these annoying symptoms and maintain a fit, active, lifestyle. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a protective layer of energy called ‘chi we’ running the length of your body. This energy acts to prevent any outside attacks from harsh weather, viruses or bacteria entering the body. But when the weather varies this energy is especially susceptible to attack and the body finds itself unprepared to resist the colder temperatures. When this happens the lung meridian (channel) looses it’s ‘chi we’ protection and catches cold. This leads to the immune system breaking down and allowing infections to infiltrate the body system causing coughs, sore throats, chest infections, colds and flues. Acupu...