Treat Skin Disorders With Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that skin disorders are generally caused by
internal disharmonies and environmental influences such as heat, wind, damp,
dryness and cold. Once these imbalances are removed from the system, the skin
naturally heals.
In treating
skin disorders our Care Cure practitioners take into account the type of skin
eruption, skin colour, body temperature, diet, daily activities, climate and
emotions that are associated with the problem. Details such as the onset,
duration and frequency of the skin disorder with any other signs of imbalance
in the digestive system, sleep patterns and the immune system are also
treatments for these conditions are acupuncture, acupressure, massage and
herbal medicine. These therapies strengthen the immune system thereby
decreasing skin sensitivity, releasing toxins, repairing and nourishing the
skin, stopping infections and purifying the blood.
skin conditions with Chinese Medicine is well worth the time and patience it
requires. In general results are seen as early as one week into treatment but
can often take a number of weeks to clear up completely. This is because we are
balancing the body from the inside out rather than just masking symptoms.
But why not
find out for yourself by booking a FREE CONSULTATION. Call 091-539996/086-0695397 or see our website on for further details. Care Cure specializes in treatment for Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis,
Shingles, Hives, Warts and Rosacea.
I had an odd pain in my left ankle, so I started on the traditional MD route - X-rays and pain pills, but didn't want to continue on that path. I decided to try acupuncture, I'm so happy to have gone in this direction. The acupuncture-mississauga clinic is very clean and organized.
ReplyDeleteThis is very much interesting. I have some few ideas about Acupuncture according to my Doctor. Acupuncture has been around for centuries, although many still view it as an "alternative" treatment for pain. If you've tried every conventional method of pain relief, yet are still hurting, you may want to consider this ancient art of healing. If I have so much time for this FREE CONSULTATION, I will book myself. Again, thanks a lot.
Thank you Tinactin. Yes Acupuncture is still alternative medicine here, but it is getting more mainstream and there are combination Western and Chinese Medicine hospitals setting up in countries like Germany, UK and Canada.